Man in backpack preparing to ascend mountain with a beaconing radio tower atop.


Final Preparations for WFD 2021

Last minute details for Winter Field Day 2021.

Updated: January 26, 2021

For all club members participating in WFD this weekend, here are some final things to note. If you have questions that are not covered in this bulletin, please call, text or e-mail a club member or officer.

  • Talk-in frequency will be 146.52Mhz.
  • Due to Covid-19, it is strongly recommended that operators use their own microphones. There is greater space and tables this year so if you need to bring a radio, that can be accommodated unlike prior years. Antennas and filters will be available to connect to.
  • There will be two hot tents this year. One tent will be for operating. The second tent will be used for cooking, gathering and at night, lights will be dimmed for sleeping.
  • Meals are being provided this year but bring your own cup, plate, bowl, utensils. The menus is below but some additional items are still needed.
    • Saturday Lunch: W0DTM will provide a grill, charcoal and condiments along with some deer brats, deer burger and pork steaks. Club members need to provide sides.
    • Saturday Dinner: W0KNG will provide chili. Club members need to provide sides and fixins' for the chili.
    • Sunday Breakfast: W0TRR will make breakfast burritos using fresh eggs provided by W0DTM's chickens.
    • Bring snacks to share. If the rain lets up, we will probably sit around an outdoor fire when not operating and enjoy some socially distanced, face-to-face QSOs. Bring something to sip on.
  • Rain is in the forecast. This will be a new challenge so please dress in quick-drying layers and ensure your outer layer is GoreTex or a similar membrane fabric.
  • Due to the rain early in the week and forecast for the weekend, waterproof footwear is advised.
