Man in backpack preparing to ascend mountain with a beaconing radio tower atop.


MO QSO Party and POTA Activation

W0MOC has dual activation for MO QSO Party and POTA

Updated: April 14, 2022

April 2nd and 3rd the Missouri Outdoor Club (W0MOC) participated in a dual activation for amature radio communications. There were 2 simultaneous events participated in, which included the Missouri QSO Party and Parks on the Air. Both events were a success.

The Missouri QSO Party. According to the sponsors website, The Missouri QSO Party is open for participation by all licensed amateur operators world-wide. The object of the contest is to work as many stations as possible during the contest period, to provide all licensed radio amateurs outside the state of Missouri the opportunity to work Missouri counties, and to provide all licensed radio amateurs in Missouri an opportunity to work other states and countries. This event is sponsored by the Boeing Employees’ Amateur Radio Society-St. Louis (BEARS-St. Louis)i.

Parks On The Air (POTA) is an amateur radio operating award program. POTA is a non-profit organization, […] POTA’s aim is to encourage licensed amateur radio operators to operate temporarily from, and bring more visibility, awareness and appreciation to not just national and state/province level parks, but also National Monuments, National Preserves, Wildlife Refuges, Wetland Management Districts, National Wild and Scenic Rivers Systems, Wildlife Management Areas, Antarctic Stations, National Military Parks, Historical Trails, and Amateur Radio.

W0MOC operated from Cuivre River State Park in Lincoln County MO at Camp Space 20. The Camp was not yet summer ready offering only primitive restrooms. Camp was completely full with all RV camping spaces rented out. Several families came to visit to see what all the antennas were about. It was a great opportunity to educate the public. 6 members from the Club operated and 10 non-members and guests were present/ visited at the event.

Combined between the (2) two activities the team successfully logged 475 Contacts beginning at 9:00 AM CST on Sat April 2 through 11:30 AM CST Sunday April 3rd,2022. There were 2 stations operated by licensed FCC Amature operators through the course of the activations.

Operators include W0KNG - Gregorg, W0DTM - Travis, W7FIZ - Adam, KE0OAP - Ray, AE0LZ - Aaron, and KF0TIM - Tim.

Antennas included a 40m/80m NVIS, 20/40M Mag mount on top of Travis’ car (worked amazing). A Single wire NVIS with a 9:1, and Aaron’s famous vertical antenna known as the “Ghetto Blaster”.

Accommodations were provided with a big appreciation from Art Goodall, W0KG who provided his RV trailer, operated by Adam, W7FIZ. The radio trailer allowed the team to quickly setup and begin operating with little setup time. The team was comfortable with excellent seating and many amenities of home. Lunch Saturday was provided by Travis, W0DTM. Under the stresses and blessings of huge pile-ups, Travis manages to get Pizza delivered directly to the Site. It was so delicious and brought back a lot or memories! Love that thick crust!
