Man in backpack preparing to ascend mountain with a beaconing radio tower atop.


Winter Field Day 2023 Results

W0MOC official score following WFD 2023

Updated: May 03, 2023

As of 04/23/2023, the final results for Winter Field Day have been released by the Winter Field Day Association. The final results of our team efforts were as follows:

************************** Summary ***************************
	1174 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates or missing exchanges)
	1144 Final QSO after checking reductions

	1516 Raw QSO points
	1477 Final QSO points

	17 Raw mults
	17 Final mults

	28272 Raw score
	27609 Final score

	2.6% error rate based on raw and final qso counts
	2.3% score reduction
	14 (1.2%) not in log
	6 (0.5%) incorrect calls
	10 (0.9%) incorrect exchanges
	0 (0.0%) missing exchanges
	18 (1.5%) duplicates removed
	58 (4.9%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

	Alternate Pwr: 500 pts
	Outdoors: 500 pts
	Ant Setup: 500 pts
	Remote: 500 pts
	Sat QSO: 500 pts
	Mobile: 0 pts
	Total Bonus Pts: 2500 pts
	Sat QSO with: KO9A
	Power Multiplier: 1X

********************** Results By Band ***********************
	      Band  QSO  Pts Modes
	Raw   160M   25   50  1
	Final 160M   25   50  1
	Raw    80M   58  109  3
	Final  80M   57  109  3
	Raw    40M  628  774  3
	Final  40M  607  746  3
	Raw    20M  343  398  3
	Final  20M  337  390  3
	Raw    15M   88  138  3
	Final  15M   87  138  3
	Raw    10M   31   46  3
	Final  10M   30   43  3
	Raw     2M    1    1  1
	Final   2M    1    1  1
	Raw    All 1174 1516 17 Score 28272
	Final  All 1144 1477 17 Score 27609


We made two firsts for our WFD efforts, which included a 2 Meter simplex contact made with a passing operator and a satellite contact completed with KO9A. MOC member Rob, KC0ECQ, completed the contact in an epic line cutter QSO in the last few seconds of the last pass of WFD.

We will analyze the data, and look to improve our setup for next year!
